Best of 2020
24 december 2020
2 november 2016
I have to admit it, i love the Fall… there I’ve said it… you heard me, don’t make me say it again… It must be the most photogenic season of the year. All the leaves from the trees turn into awesome colors and the light can be simply fabulous around sunrise and sunset. Don’t underestimate the golden hours either because they blend perfectly with the golden tones of the leaves of te trees.. And that’s not all… fall usually has more fog and mist that the rest of the year and that’s often what makes an image just a little bit more special. As you can read in my post ‘september is here’ I am very much into shooting under different conditions than perfect sunsets.
A happy coincidence is that my work commute is accompanied by either sunrise of sunset. So I’m out on my bike during the most fantastic light of the day. Maybe that is why I love the fall so much?
After a couple of reasonable quiet months I feel like I have been out on a shooting spree. October was very productive for me image wise resulting in moody, misty and foggy, fall themed images. The last month my camera accompanied me on my bike rides to work more often than not. Making me shoot twice as much images than on average in the previous months. This resulted in a nice collection of Autumn imagery that I felt I needed to share. Some of them actually made it to my portfolio and even won some small contests…
In my opinion there are a couple of factors that make a good landcape image; location, light, composition and conditions. So in the fall if you find a nice location there is a good chance that the light and the conditions will be around as well. Last year my company relocated from the rural sceneries of the countryside to the other side of town. Making my bike ride twice as long and leading me through new ‘undocumented’ parts of my hometown. I knew the small park’s, forests and other photographic opportunities that lie in-between me and my work but somehow passing them day after day for a year made me look at them differently. I found new subjects different views and great light! I can go on like this for a long time in my lovesong for Autumn but we all know you just really want to see some images don’t you?
here they are, hope you enjoy.