I was on my way to a birthday party. Keeping my eye on the sky. I had anticipated that the sunset might become interesting that evening and on the way to the party there would be some nice locations I had never been before. After driving only 10 minutes the sunset was allready about to go into overdrive so I spotted a location, parked the car and boom!!! the party had allready begun! I experimented with a lot of different compositions and in the first edits these ones stood out… maybe there will be more to follow soon..
Personally I love how the sky is looking in these images and am happy with the yellow rapeseed flowers in the left corner… the row of trees however could be better. There’s just not enough detail in the trees (or should I say no detail) and the trees were not nicely spread out… But in this image the sun was showing and I am proud of my tiny little sunstar… So all in all, happy with the results… now lets have a look at the other images I took that evening…
Taken at a Rijpwetering, the Netherlands.
ISO200, 10 mm, f22, 0,4 seconds, 0.6 hard grad ND.
Added another edit of this batch. I love how the sky is looking and this has a more cropped composition cause it’s shot at 20 mm (35 at fx) The trees have a little bit more detail but the sun had disappeared already so no sunstar.. But all in all a typical dutch country road with a spectacular sky.
ISO200, 20 mm, f11, 1/4 seconds, 0.6 hard grad ND.
And finally the last one. I was going through my library and just totally missed out on this one! Love how the trucks and the cars passing by give an extra dynamic feel to the image.
Overnight Express; ISO200, 10 mm, f11, 1/6th seconds, 0.6 hard grad ND.

Overnight Express Taken at Rijpwetering, the Netherlands. ISO200, 10 mm, f11, 1/6th seconds, 0.6 hard grad ND. This shot was featured in my blog: http://www.martijnvandernat.nl/country-road/ (c) 2014-today Martijnvandernat.nl all rights reserved